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Join Us in Exploring Web3 for Inclusive Learning and Collaboration

Davao DeFi Community

We are a non-profit community committed to education, collaboration, and inclusivity in the blockchain industry while bridging ​opportunities that elevates communities and the broader society

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What We Do

At Davao DeFi Community, we’re passionate about organizing dynamic events that educate and raise awareness about the transformative potential of Web3 technologies. Our events serve as a platform to connect individuals, blockchain projects, schools, and other educational sectors, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Join us as we host engaging workshops, insightful seminars, and thought-provoking discussions that delve into the intricacies of blockchain and decentralized finance. Whether you’re new to the space or a seasoned enthusiast, our events offer valuable insights and networking opportunities to all participants.

Together, let’s build a vibrant community that empowers individuals and drives innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of Web3. Stay informed, connected, and inspired with Davao DeFi Community’s impactful events!

DDC Onboarding to Web3

Davao DeFi Community recognizes this need and is taking the initiative to onboard locals to the Web3 world. By educating individuals about decentralized technology, DDC is empowering them with the tools to navigate this new digital landscape and make informed decisions.

Through their onboarding program, DDC is creating a community of Web3 enthusiasts who are equipped with the skills to participate in decentralized platforms, engage with blockchain-based applications, and leverage the benefits of this technology. With their commitment to spreading awareness about the potential of Web3, DDC is paving the way for a decentralized future where everyone can participate and benefit.

Our Partners